Dogo Dash to play at home

Since our plans to start the Kickstarter campaign around April had to be abruptly changed by the current situation in the world, we decided to release a print and play version of Dogo Dash! You can access by clicking here.

The idea is to keep playing and testing the game so we can improve and keep going from home.

Don’t worry, the real Dogo Dash will come soon, but first, stay home, stay healthy and have fun!

We are also working on a How To Play video and would be amazing if you guys could send us your feedback so we know which information is relevant!

Thank you for your support!

Final version is on the way!

Soon we will be having our final version of the deck, the package and the beginning of a new phase in the development of Dogo Dash!

Margherita Barrera showed us some teasers and we are more than happy to share with our favorite fans!

Please stay tuned and tell everyone you can that Dogo Dash is the best card game ever! We will be running our crowdfunding campaign soon and your support is essential!

Love us, share us, follow us and subscribe to our newsletter to be updated about all our steps.

Please support Berlin’s Independent Game Scene!

The beginning of November was crazy! First, A MAZE. released their Kickstarter campaign to keep punk game development alive! Then, Co.Up announced they will need support in order to keep their amazing space active!

A MAZE. is an indie game festival that brings diversity and inclusivity to the gaming scene in Berlin and all over the world. Co.Up is a game development co-working space that hosts many events for the indie game community in Berlin and got their rent doubled, so now they need help to keep existing.

A little bit of context: Dogo Dash was born on August 11th, 2018 in a Mini Game Jam at Co.Up. Since then, many members of A MAZE. are constantly supporting us. We would never have gotten to the point we are now without their support.

It’s hard out there for indie game developers, especially if you are woman, immigrant and inexperienced. That was the case for us with Dogo Dash and those amazing people believed in us and helped us. Now our project is almost ready and the least we can do is support those projects so more people can have the same opportunity we had!