Check out our Print and Play version and our page on Kickstarter! Funded in 11 hours! How crazy is that?!
The game was created at the Mini Game Jam in August 2018 by Talita Rhein in Berlin. Johanna Janiszewski saw potential in the game and helped Talita moving on with game design and rules.
After a few months, there was a first playable prototype, made with white cards and hand-drawn art. It looked pretty bad but was presented in some local events in Berlin. In December 2018 Margherita Barrera joined the team and made 11 different illustrations for the characters.
In June 2019, 25 decks were printed. Each deck had 28 cards and a very simple gameplay. We thought we were closer to the final version, but testing with the prototype showed us that there was a lot of work to be done.
Now we are working with a 60 cards deck, a funnier mechanic, and lots of fun! We are in the stage of testing and polishing the game rules. The next step is making a release version, which means we are almost at the end of our journey!
Since we are totally independent, we runned a crowdfunding campaign to release and sell the game. We are already funded, check it out here. You can buy decks here.
All the amazing art for this website was made by Margherita Barrera.
As supporters of the project, we have Tiny Crocodile Studios and Nachtalb UG. Also, many friends are testing, playing, and spreading the word of Dogo Dash all over the world! If you want to join this adventure and see what we have in real-time…